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Terms of Use ♦ Disclaimer ♦ Privacy Policy

1. General information

The name of the domain y are registered in favour of Raquel Castaño Barba, with tax code and its registered offices at UrbanizationLos Pinos de Aloha, F.I, 113, Marbella, 29660 Málaga. Contact telephone +34 951 21 64 55, email: Raquel Castaño Barba is a lawyer with a degree in law by the University of Law in Sevilla (Spain) and member of the Bar Association of Málaga with the number 5362. All the prices published in this web are valid, except typographic mistake, and the VAT is included.

2. Copyright of the website and terms of use

All intellectual property rights for the content of this website and its graphic design are held exclusively by Raquel Castaño Barba, who is entitled exclusively to exercise the rights to exploit these. It is therefore forbidden to reproduce, distribute, publicly communicate or modify the content or graphic design of this website, whether totally or partially, without specific prior authorization from Raquel Castaño Barba. Similarly, all distinctive signs, brands, trademarks or signs of any kind contained on this website are protected by law.
In case that legal services provided by the Raquel Castaño Barba have the price indicated in commercial offers, the VAT is included. These prices are not fix, and can suffer any variation regarding individual circumstances.
Raquel Castaño Barba reserves the right to update, modify or eliminate the information contained on its website and its configuration or presentation at any time, without prior notice and without assuming any liability for having done so.

3. User

Access and / or use of und attributes the condition of USER, who accepts, from such access and / or use, the General Conditions of use listed here. The General Conditions of Use are independent from general conditions of contracts between Raquel Castaño Barba and users.

4. Data protection

When users provide their personal details using our forms or contact emails, they are specifically authorizing Raquel Castaño Barba to automatically handle their Personal Data in order to be able to attend to their requests for services, as well as send users information about products/services that might be of interest to them.
Raquel Castaño Barba will include the data provided by the users in a file it owns that has all the necessary security measures required by current legislation in the area of Data Protection.
We advise you, that the transfer of data via the internet (e.g. email) is always vulnerable in terms of data security. A complete security of transmitted information from third party access is not possible.
Information received from users of our websites through online consultations, is treated with utmost confidentiality. In this case, the information is used to respond to the issues raised and to handle your procedure.
Raquel Castaño Barba shall not give nor communicate the data gathered to third parties without the specific prior consent of the user, except when this communication is necessary in order to provide the service the user has requested. In relation to data collected in the manner provided in the preceding paragraphs, users may exercise their right to access, rectify, cancel and opposition, writing to Raquel Castaño Barba, Urbanization Los Pinos, F. I, nº 113, Marbella, 29660, Málaga. The request must contain the following information: name and surname, address for notifications, photocopy of National Identity Card or passport, and the right exercised.
In the case that Raquel Castaño Barba stores personal data, we will take the necessary measures to prevent alteration, loss, unauthorized treatment or access in accordance with the applicable law.

5. Limitation of liability

Raquel Castaño Barba is not liable for the misuse of the content of its website, this being the exclusive responsibility of the person accessing the content or using it. Neither does it assume any liability for the information contained on third party websites that can be accessed via links from the website, or The presence of these links is for informative purposes and in no way are they an invitation to buy the products or services that may be offered on the destination website. In the case that Raquel Castaño Barba should become effectively aware that the activity or information to which these links refer is illegal, an offence or could damage the goods or rights of third parties subject to compensation, it shall act with the necessary diligence to suppress or disable the corresponding link as quickly as possible.
Raquel Castaño Barba declines all liability deriving from the exchange of information among users via its website. Neither assumes any responsibility for technical problems or malfunctions in computer equipment which occur during the connection to the Internet, or may be caused by third parties through illegitimate interference outside his control.

6. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

In general, relations with users as a result of providing the services contained on this website are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction. Users of this website are aware of all that has been explained and accept this willingly.